Influence of Relationship between Career Development and Employee Performance at Moi University, Kenya


Flaurine Metto


Human resource development (HRD) is an important undertaking for every organization because employees are major assets of any organization.  The active role they play towards an organization's success cannot be underestimated.  As a result, equipping these unique assets through effective development programs becomes imperative in order to maximize the job performance.  The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of the relationship between career development and employee performance.  Descriptive survey design was adopted for this study with questionnaire being the main tool of data collection.  The target population comprised the 1430 non-academic staff employees but the study narrowed down to the sample population of 313 non-academic staff employees.  The sample size of employees was computed by the use of the formula indicated by Reid & Boore (1991) in which a sample of 313 employees was selected using proportionate random sampling technique.  Both quantitative and qualitative data were collected.  Pearson correlation and regression analyses were computed to test the level of association between variables and to test the hypotheses respectively. Pearson's correlation coefficient results between career development and employee performance were positive. The Pearson correlation coefficient between career development and employee performance was 0.74. Results of the regression coefficients revealed that career development (β=0.210, p<0.05were significant effects to employee performance. It is recommended that there is need for policy makers and administrators at the University to strengthen and revise the staff development programs' policy that all staff shall be encouraged through training and career development to develop their potential and enhance their efficiency on their respective jobs. Besides, the study recommends that the University administration should endevour to revise and make clear the motivational programs' criterion that equitably attends to all cadres of employees since this is an avenue through which performance can be enhanced.


How to Cite
Metto, F. (2017). Influence of Relationship between Career Development and Employee Performance at Moi University, Kenya. The International Journal of Business & Management, 5(11). Retrieved from