Print Media: Analyzing Indian Customers' Perspective & Satisfaction Level Using CSI


Reeti Agarwal
Ankit Mehrotra


Customer satisfaction is the major driver of the commercial relationship between a newspaper and its reader. With the onslaught of the online media, it has become imperative for newspapers to provide top class service, contents, presentation etc. to keep their readership and circulation high. The current study identifies the factors considered important by customers in choosing the newspaper they subscribe to. News coverage (content) came out to be the most important factor in choosing a newspaper followed by quality of writing and supplements provided. Analysis of the impact of demographics in influencing importance of various factors showed gender, occupation and income to significantly affect the importance that different customers attach to the different parameters.  Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) was calculated to find out the gap between importance and satisfaction with different factors and to find out the overall satisfaction of customers with newspapers. The satisfaction level came out to be 74%.


How to Cite
Agarwal, R., & Mehrotra, A. (2016). Print Media: Analyzing Indian Customers’ Perspective & Satisfaction Level Using CSI. The International Journal of Business & Management, 4(4). Retrieved from