Impact of Women Education on Population and Health


Manju Yadav
Meena Ambesh


Economic growth is clearly salter in such a society, where education of a girl child is neglected. A society that does not have preference for investing in girls, pays a price for it, in terms of high population growth rate, high child, Maternal & crude death rates and low expectancy of life as well. These factors affect the growth of a country. Women have a direct impact on economic growth by affecting the quality of human capital. Understanding the importance of female education, many countries having even low income has been invested a growing proportion of the national income on education of women in recent past. The main cause of this has been the exceptionally rapid growth of population and wide spread of belief that "human – capital” is one of the most effective means of stimulating economic growth. The main aim of this paper is to examine the effect of women education on population growth and health issues. Two states Kerala with maximum female literacy and Rajasthan which have minimum female literacy have been taken for this study.

Secondary data have been taken for comparative analysis. These data have been collected from various government departments & reports. Data clearly shows that due to the high female literacy rate in Kerala, the population growth in Kerala is low in comparison to Rajasthan. The general pattern shows the positive effect of women education on population and health. It will confirm that in every society better educated women have lower fertility, lower infant mortality rate and higher expectancy of life, compared to less educated women. If a society effort to educate women than the impact on the general level of education, health and population growth can be substantial.


How to Cite
Yadav, M., & Ambesh, M. (2016). Impact of Women Education on Population and Health. The International Journal of Business & Management, 4(4). Retrieved from