Achieving Process Excellence in the Marketing Department of a Startup through Data Analysis


Christabel Victoria D' Silva
Lidwin Kenneth Michael


Process Excellence is a way of striving and achieving a stable continuous improvement in the overall performance of an entire business. In a multi-departmental organization, each department has a defined set of protocols, set of standards and benchmarks. Surpassing these benchmarks and standards is crucial for the growth of an organization. When targets are not met, then there is a need to probe and understand the reasons for the particular department to not function as per the set standards. Once the reasons are understood, then necessary and crucial changes are needed to be capitalized in the existing processes in relevance to the particular department. The analysis of the new adopted process will give an insight and throw light about the status of the improvement in the performance of the said department. Furthermore, it will show whether the new adopted strategical changes were a catalyst to meet; exceed the set standards of the said department or not. In this research work, the marketing department of an E-commerce startup is taken into consideration and Process Excellence is tried to achieve in this department in order to improve customer acquisition. The collected data is analyzed and necessary improvements are suggested, implemented and further analyzed in order to achieve Process Excellence.


How to Cite
Silva, C. V. D., & Michael, L. K. (2016). Achieving Process Excellence in the Marketing Department of a Startup through Data Analysis. The International Journal of Business & Management, 4(4). Retrieved from