Determinants of Implementation of Mwangaza Mitaani Projects in Kenya: A Case Study of Mwangaza Mitaani Project in Likoni Constituency


Anisa Mohamed


Mwangaza Mitaani project was an initiative that the government has installed all over the cities in the country to ensure that the citizens are having a 24/7 hour economy in doing business. The general objective was to establish the determinants of implementation of Mwangaza Mitaani Projects. The specific objectives were to establish whether technological capacity is a determinant of implementation of MwangazaMitaani project in Kenya, to examine how management commitment is a determinant of implementation of Mwangaza Mitaani project, to establish whether training is a determinant of implementation of Mwangaza Mitaani project and to find out whether financing is a determinant of implementation of Mwangaza Mitaani project. The study examined theories of implementation of the projects. Management by Objective theory was relevant in the study because it injects an element of dialogue into the process of passing plans and objectives from one organizational level to another. Project Management theory which views strong casual connections between the actions of management and the outcomes of the organization. Stakeholder theory was relevant to the study because it tried to involve each and everybody in terms of implementation of the projects to ensure the project has been completed as stipulated. Stratified random sampling method was used. The study targeted all the 166,000residents of Likoni. A pilot study was carried out to refine the instrument. Data analysis was performed on a PC computer using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS Version 22) for Windows. Analysis was done using frequency counts, percentages, means and standard deviation, regression, correlation and the information generated was presented in form of graphs, charts and table. Out of 4980 questionnaires issued 3591 questionnaires were returned showing a mean of 72.2%.  68.8% of the respondents have other education qualification while 43.3% respondents have business experience between 0-5 years in business. Residents have a positive attitude towards the project whereas the study showed that there was a close relationship between technology capacity and implementation of Mwangaza Mitaani Project in Likoni. Technology capacity was found to be closely related with management commitment as well as training and financing. The study concluded that implementation of the Mwangaza Mitaani project in Likoni Constituency relied much on technology capacity, management commitment, training and financing. The study recommends that government, county government should invest much more in funds and technology to enhance better performance of the projects being implemented.


How to Cite
Mohamed, A. (2016). Determinants of Implementation of Mwangaza Mitaani Projects in Kenya: A Case Study of Mwangaza Mitaani Project in Likoni Constituency. The International Journal of Business & Management, 4(4). Retrieved from