Developing MinTVET Leadership Model that Addresses the 21st Century Challenges of Techvoc Schools in Mindanao, Philippines


Enrique Samonte Guevarra


With the intention of coming up a leadership model for Mindanao Technical Vocational Education Training (MinTVET) institutions, a research study of this kind emerges. Three Technical- Vocational School Presidents and at the same time MinTVET Executive Officers are chosen as respondents of this study. Both qualitative and quantitative methodologies are used in gathering and analyzing data. More particularly, the respondent's personal profile, leadership perspectives, leadership style and leadership traits are the significant variables considered in formulating a model which eventually led to the creation of 3C's MinTVET Leadership Model: Character, Competence and Commitment.

For MinTVET leaders to succeed, it takes a significant moment of time. It requires a comprehensive development of physical, emotional, social, intellectual, and spiritual being. A blending of participative, delegation and autocratic types of leadership is needed to address squarely the greatest challenges confronting technical -vocational schools (K to 12, Research and Planning and Financial Resources) and that of MinTVET (Linkages and Networking, Teamwork and Unity, Leadership and Management, Programs and Projects). Furthermore, leadership traits such as being assertive, very resilient, trustworthy, propensity to avoid risk and moderate team player are found to be the commonality traits among these leaders. Other sensible leadership traits must be enhanced in order to deal positively the 21st century challenges in technical – vocational operation.


How to Cite
Guevarra, E. S. (2016). Developing MinTVET Leadership Model that Addresses the 21st Century Challenges of Techvoc Schools in Mindanao, Philippines. The International Journal of Business & Management, 4(6). Retrieved from