Brexit: Effect on India


Niverty Gupta
Rajesh Mehra


India is a developing country which gets affected by any change in global scenario that may be change in valuation of foreign currency, change in crude prices, change in gold prices or any other major or minor change. All these changes affect India, may be in short run or sometimes in long run. Recent event having an impact on India and its economy is Brexit. And, it has affected India in short run. This research paper tries to demystify the effect of Brexit on India in future as studied by various experts and the immediate effect on economy in various areas.

Though it is UK that will be impacted most by the exit of Britain but other members of The European Union will also be impacted.


How to Cite
Gupta, N., & Mehra, R. (2016). Brexit: Effect on India. The International Journal of Business & Management, 4(9). Retrieved from