Standing of Insurance to the People of Bangladesh: Present Position and Future Prospect


Asfia Binte Osman
Israth Sultana


Insurance is considered as a significant tool of risk minimization where one party transfers the risk that might come from a particular source to another party against a consideration. Insurance companies are trying in every moment to reduce risk of assets and lives through their multifarious services. Despite of their intense hard work, the position of insurance in Bangladesh is not up to expectation. This study basically attempts to find out the current position of insurance in general peoples' mind and to discover future adoptability of this service to general mass. To conduct this study primary as well as some secondary data have been collected. Primary data have been collected through a questionnaire survey. This study basically would be helpful to insurance companies to take insurance business in Bangladesh a step ahead.



How to Cite
Osman, A. B., & Sultana, I. (2016). Standing of Insurance to the People of Bangladesh: Present Position and Future Prospect. The International Journal of Business & Management, 4(9). Retrieved from