Child Protection and Education


ígnes Farkas
Andrea Rácz
Julianna Szabolcsi


The XXXI Act (1997) of Child Protection and Child Welfare Administration states it is a fundamental requirement that the children in family get every kind of support in order to have the children growing up in family, that is, the principle is that the preventive solution gets the major role. When it is impossible to have the children growing up in family, the instant after removal should the professional work focus on family reunion and if the child cannot be replaced in her/his family the aim of caring place should be the preparation of successful social integration including institutional and foster family forms as well. After removal, it is fundamental right of the children to get education in accordance to their age, development, health and other needs and to participate in programs for catching up and in talent programs. It is also a right of them to express their views about rearing, education and care. In our study, we examine how the children's school career can be promoted within the framework of child welfare service and child protection care then we present a good practice, the work of Children's Parliament which is very important from the point of view of young people view expression.



How to Cite
Farkas, ígnes, Rácz, A., & Szabolcsi, J. (2014). Child Protection and Education. The International Journal of Business & Management, 2(9). Retrieved from