Human Resource Development Climate of Teachers in Higher Education Institutions


Usha Tiwari


Higher education is to play a more and more useful role in the socio–economic transformation of the country. How effectively and efficiently they have been able to meet the rising expectations of the society and moreover the country would naturally depend upon, how best the education authorities have taken care of the development of its employees.

The present study is undertaken with a view, to assess the HRD climate among teaching staff of the College and University. To measure the HRD climate a 25 items HRD climate survey questionnaire was administrated to selected respondents. The result indicate that 2 item is very good, 11 item is fairly good, 11 item is good and 1 item is average score. Conclusively the score of HRD climate for the teachers of higher education institutions is good (69%).



How to Cite
Tiwari, U. (2014). Human Resource Development Climate of Teachers in Higher Education Institutions. The International Journal of Business & Management, 2(9). Retrieved from