Influence of Job Design on Staff Retention in Public Level Five Hospitals in Kenya


Susan Ndumba Nkanata
Dennis Muchangi
Grace Kiiru


Job design refers to a technique of work plan intended to minimize work frustrations that emerge from monotonous and mechanical assignments. Different procedures are utilized in the execution of the various aspects of job design to ease the complexity of work, which would affect workers' retention.

The general objective of the study was to investigate the influence of Job design on staff retention in public level five hospitals in Kenya. The specific objectives of the study were: to establish the influence of Job Autonomy and Job Rotation on staff retention in Public Level five hospitals in Kenya. The study embraced descriptive and correlational research designs. The study's target population was: 472 doctors, 3318 nurses, and 449 clinical officers from the 11 available public level five hospitals in Kenya. The study also used proportionate stratified random sampling to select eight (8) public level five hospitals and a total sample size of 40 doctors, 278 nurses, and 37 clinical officers. Simple random sampling was used to select the study participants in each stratum. Data were collected using a semi-structured questionnaire through drop and pick approach. Cronbach alpha was used to test the reliability of the research instruments. Data were analyzed using SPSS, with descriptive and inferential statistics being used to discuss study findings based on the objectives. The study found that job autonomy within the public health sector was witnessed among high-ranking professionals such as doctors and managers/supervisors, while job rotation was the most popular practice. The study concludes that Job design is negatively associated with employee retention since most medics were comfortable with the current job designs. The study recommends that management should look for ways to improve job rotation and autonomy rather than devising new job design approaches to attract and retain their talented workforce.


How to Cite
Susan Ndumba Nkanata, Dennis Muchangi, & Grace Kiiru. (2023). Influence of Job Design on Staff Retention in Public Level Five Hospitals in Kenya. The International Journal of Business & Management, 11(2). (Original work published February 27, 2023)