Maternity User Fee Debts: An Infringement on Children's Rights


Karren Dube
Pumulani Mpofu


The study investigates how maternity user fee debts infringe on the rights of children in Zimbabwe. The study employed a qualitative research design where questionnaires were administered to 32 women affected by maternity user fee debts who were either mothers or guardians of children without birth certificates. In addition key informant interviews were held with hospital authorities. The findings of the study are that maternity user fee debts, deprive some children of their birth confirmation records which is a primary requirement for them to get birth certificates. Children need birth certificates to unlock other rights because these rights are inter -dependent. Children who do not have birth certificates face many obstacles in life which children who are registered take for granted. The study recommends that greater political will by the government and development partners would be required to realize the quest for universal birth registration in Zimbabwe.


How to Cite
Dube, K., & Mpofu, P. (2017). Maternity User Fee Debts: An Infringement on Children’s Rights. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 5(2). Retrieved from