Forms of Activities and Public Reaction to Religious Splinter Movement of Jamaah Darul Arqam in Malang, East Java
In the recent days, we are often exposed of the media which tell us about the emergence of a congregation or a new stream of Islam called heresy or splinter movements, including Jemaah Darul Arqam led by Ashari Muhammad. Activities of Darul Arqam put more emphasis on the field of propaganda, education and the economy. Economic field is important because in the view of the congregation Darul Arqam that economics used as a means to smooth any other fields in financial terms. Propaganda activity is a major strategy applied Darul Arqam to develop themselves, so that the financing of the sector propaganda obtains a large enough portion compared with other sectors. The existence of Darul Arqam bear a conflict that the government banned its existence but NU is does not due to no deviant teaching activities from their sides.