The Dangers and Challenges of Deprecating Religiosity in a Heterogeneous Nigerian Society


Amanambu Uchenna Ebony


Historically, religion has been a subject of various interpretations. However, the history of religion can be as old as mankind. In all the events of human life religion has remained topical, attractive and sensationally controversial. Many atrocities and productive developments have been created in the garbs of religion. Just because of religion, the merging of Nigeria as a country has been a called to questions. Nigeria and Africa in general prior to 1914 was known for their indigenous religions. Islam arrived in the northern Nigeria around eleventh century and subsequently the arrival of Christianity arrived between seventeenth and nineteenth centuries. Initially, the present Nigerian state was homes to multiple of kingdoms and tribes before they were amalgamated in 1914 by the colonials. After much pressure, Nigeria gained independence from the colonial masters. Just as some tribes and groups have risen to question the rationale behind the amalgamation and existence of the Nigeria as one country so has negative understanding and applications of religious tenets by some citizens have almost drifted the Nigerian state to the edge of precipice.


How to Cite
Ebony, A. U. (2017). The Dangers and Challenges of Deprecating Religiosity in a Heterogeneous Nigerian Society. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 5(6). Retrieved from