Social Capital, Economic Coping, and Family Well-being in Family Women Migrant Worker


Mirdat Silitonga
Herien Puspitawati
Istiqlaliyah Muflikhati


The achievement of family well - being is an aspiration of all families including families of migrant workers, to achieve the well - being of one of the ways that the families of migrant workers with the departure of the wife work as domestic servants in various countries. The purpose of this study was to analyze social capital, economic coping and family well - being of women migrant workers. This research uses cross sectional studies. The location was chosen purposively in Tanggeung Village, Pagermaneuh Village, Margaluyu Village, Karangtengah Village, Tanggeung District and Pasirdalam Village Kadupandak District, Cianjur, West Java, Indonesia. Seventy five families were selected purposively among the families of women migrant workers. The finding indicates that social capital is in the moderate category, the coping economy is in the moderate category and the family well-being is in the low category. Finding in this study family well-being is influenced by husband's income and education, social capital and economic coping.


How to Cite
Silitonga, M., Puspitawati, H., & Muflikhati, I. (2017). Social Capital, Economic Coping, and Family Well-being in Family Women Migrant Worker. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 5(6). Retrieved from