Assamese Devotional Folk Songs Zikir and Zari


Parismita Sarma


This paper will attempt to describe about the Assamese folk devotional songs Zikir and Zari. These songs are sung by the Assamese Muslim community of Assam. The content of these songs are philosophical overtones with literally meaning the consideration of the body. The Zikir songs are in a sense an Islamic counterpart of dehbichar geet. These songs are singing with handclapping dance movement with string instrument. Both male and woman folk take part in this performance. These songs were first introduced and composed by Ajan Fakir, a saint came from Bagdad to Assam influenced by sufibad. The central idea of futility of life and manmade institution forms the content of all the Zikir compositions. Through most of these Zikirs, the idea of illusion, resignation to allah and overpowering desire to loss one's identity with him runs in the way of the doctrines of sufisim.


How to Cite
Sarma, P. (2016). Assamese Devotional Folk Songs Zikir and Zari. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 4(7). Retrieved from