The Ownership Law Aspect of Medical Records Are Correlated with the Protection of Patient Rights


Tiromsi Sitanggang


Article 12, point 1 of the Regulation of the Health Minister No. 269/MENKES/PER/III/2008 on Medical Record, Article 46, paragraph 1 of UUPK on the Implementing of Doctors' Documents of Medical Record on patients' records, and Article 47 of UUPK No. 29/2004 do not state that they belong to patients. The regulation of the Health Minister No. 269/MENKES/PER/III/2008 on Medical Record embodied in UUPK does not enlarge, diminish, or change the legal content on UUPK so that the contradiction in the ownership of medical records is not complete medical records. 

The perspective of medical records is the domain of judicial normative.

This research was expected to produce a new concept of the ownership of medical records positively without hampering patients to obtain their rights and to create the idea of the ownership of medical records according the prevailing law of property in Indonesia. The ownership of medical records should belong partly to patients.


How to Cite
Sitanggang, T. (2016). The Ownership Law Aspect of Medical Records Are Correlated with the Protection of Patient Rights. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 4(8). Retrieved from