Impact of Low Intensity Conflict on the Women of Kashmir, India


Rabinder Singh
Audil Habib
Mir Mubarik Jalal


Low intensity conflict (LIC), as commonly understood, implies armed conflict between regular armies or law enforcement agencies and non regular armed militias which could include terrorist groups, guerrilla fighters, gangs, rioters etc. The participation or involvement of the local population is an important feature of most low intensity conflicts, which are generally intra-state in nature. The present paper explores the impacts of Low intensity conflict which directly and indirectly affects women. Conflict victimizes women in a variety of ways. They are being assaulted, beaten, humiliated, raped and murdered during conflicts. In fact, they have to face violence from the state and often in their own homes in the form of domestic violence. They have to face the loss of family members: fathers, husbands, brothers, children and relatives, which lead to emotional and psychological trauma. Inevitably, woman is a silent sufferer in the wake of Low intensity conflict.


How to Cite
Singh, R., Habib, A., & Jalal, M. M. (2016). Impact of Low Intensity Conflict on the Women of Kashmir, India. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 4(8). Retrieved from