Intergenerational Conflict


H. B. Mahantesh


In the adolescent stage all the behavirous of ‘teen' are not tolerated. The behaviour tolerated in a five year old may not be considered acceptable for a sixteen-year old. Adolescents today have many distractions. Going to clubs, discos, etc. in metropolitan cities is quite common and this trend is now rapidly spreading to smaller cities and town. Peer group pressure often enforces the need to visit these areas of entertainment. The opening up of media and mass communication due to the forces of globalization has meant the introduction of ‘western' culture which is more attractive for young minds, than what is offered by traditional culture. At this stage in their life, the adolescents are not in a mature frame of mind to be discriminatory in nature. They are unable to distinguish between what is "good” and what is "bad”. In the name of ‘modern' many adolescents fall prey to life styles, which may not be approved by parents and elders. It is thus, that the more susceptible among them fall prey to anti-social activities with gangs. Chances are that such youngsters can go astray if there is no parental control or it may occur without their knowledge. During adolescence their forces work against each other. There are conditions that push the youth forward and others that hold them back, especially in the early adolescent years. Adolescents, have a desire to assert their individuality and also great need to confirm. They want to be independent and be protected at the time. They harbour many conflicting feeling and motives, which leads to intergenerational disturbances.


How to Cite
Mahantesh, H. B. (2014). Intergenerational Conflict. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 2(3). Retrieved from