Role of Students and Women of Barak Valley in the Swadeshi Movement


Sahabuddin Ahmed


The partition of Bengal came as a rule shake and an eye opener of patriotic Bengalees of Barak Valley of Assam. The role of students and women of Barak Valley in the Swadeshi movement through in limited scale. The students' community joined the movement with great enthusiasm. It was the students who worked to make the boycott and Swadeshi successful. They enrolled themselves as members of the various volunteer groups. This movement encouraged national education. In this movement the women balk of Barak Valley also participated. They became active with their male counterpart and encouraged the Swadeshi goods by boycotting foreign goods. That was immense on the part of the women of the valley.



How to Cite
Ahmed, S. (2014). Role of Students and Women of Barak Valley in the Swadeshi Movement. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 2(3). Retrieved from