Study of Occupational Stress of Senior Secondary Level Teachers


Yogita .
A. K. Upadhyaya


Modern education is based on science and technology. With the introduction of educational technology in the discipline of education, great changes have taken place in the process of teaching-learning and training of teachers. In the last twenty five years, classroom teaching has been changed considerably with the application of technology of teaching. The emphasis is being given to evolve new practices in teaching  in order to raise the academic performance and  individual difference of the students be properly considered in teaching learning situations.

Every nation of the world is for going ahead to make education an effective tool for social change and national development. The fact which has been recognized but not properly stressed that the quality of educational investment determines the level of prosperity, welfare and security of the people in the conditions of modern life, the effectiveness of education as well as its level in terms of quantity and quality are controlled by the extent to which the system of education itself employs the new findings of educational technology. For this a unique system of teaching, learning has to be devised which may strive to achieve the desired objectives in an optimum way. Attempts are being perpetually made to develop the management of teaching and learning by which a system may be evolved which may correctly help us to ascertain the output of education that has been achieved.


How to Cite
., Y., & Upadhyaya, A. K. (2015). Study of Occupational Stress of Senior Secondary Level Teachers. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 3(3). Retrieved from