Psycho-Social Determinants of Morality: A Comprehensive Review of the Factors of Moral Information Processing


Bipin P. Varghese
S. John Michael Raj


Human behaviour emanates from various psycho-philosophical as well as socio-political, biological and environmental factors. Moral behaviour gets initiated through a host of psycho-social features that influence the cognitive abilities, such as analytical power and decision making skills of the individuals. Any behaviour guided through morality is highly valued by the society as it leads to what is ideal and good, both to the individual and the society at large. The concept of morality and moral behaviour has been contemplated by various philosophers, psychologists and social scientists and there are numerous studies and theories on the nature of morality. Morality is determined by various psychosocial factors including the personality traits, social cognition, emotional intelligence, metaphysical beliefs, value orientation etc. It also involves different levels of information processing with covert Moral Reasoning, Moral Judgement and Moral Decision Making or Moral Intuitions, Moral Convictions and Moral Will which leads to Moral Behaviour or Moral Action.  Moral Behaviour or Moral Action is the overt expression of Morality. The present paper explores the various psychosocial variables involved in moral information processing and the various notions that are considered bases of moral behaviour.


How to Cite
Varghese, B. P., & Raj, S. J. M. (2014). Psycho-Social Determinants of Morality: A Comprehensive Review of the Factors of Moral Information Processing. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 2(5). Retrieved from