Institutionalization of Crime in Indian Politics


Farooq Ahmad Malik
Bilal Ahmad Malik


The paper wants to highlight that After Independence ‘criminalization of politics', people with criminal records becoming politicians and elected representatives and ‘criminalization of administration' or politicization of administration , not rule of law but rule of gundas, mafias and thugs seating into the vitals of the country have become persistent and administration was accused of inaction and involvement. Earlier politicians patronized criminals and provided them protection from the law-enforcement institutions in exchange for the use of their muscle power during elections. And now it is the reverse with the criminals themselves intriguing over the pedals of power and denigrating the politicians. The Indian democratic institutions are in the dirty hands of criminals being supported by the institution of corrupt bureaucracy. Actually the roots of the problem lie in the political system of the country. There is lack of political will to combat the problem. The political parties also do not believe in higher ethical norms. They should united make efforts to prevent criminalization of politics.



How to Cite
Malik, F. A., & Malik, B. A. (2014). Institutionalization of Crime in Indian Politics. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 2(5). Retrieved from