Impact of Dairy Farming on Socioeconomic Condition of Small Farmers: A Case Study


Kele V D.
Chopde SS. Devraj M


Vidarbha regional has a mixed type of cropping pattern and maximum non irrigated land hence author intended to analyze and roll of  dairy farming on socioeconomic condition of small farmers in viderbha region. In the post-independence era, the dairying is recognized as a source of additional income to the landless labourers and small and marginal farmers, It can be observed from the land and milch animal holding pattern in India however the average milk yield of the buffaloes belonging to landless household is fairly higher than others. Though India having largest cattle and buffalo population is about 67% in the world. It produces 13 % of the total world milk production. This is primary due to malnutrition and underfeeding of the milch animal. The per capita daily consumption of milk in India is quite low 245 gm. when compared to the recommended nutritional requirement of 284 gm. Indian farmers should be given the much needed attention for the healthy growth of cattle and buffalo to increase the milk production in proportion to their strength (Largest cattle & buffalo population in world).13% of the total production of the milk is contributed by India. The large vegetarian sector of the India feed upon the dairy products of India. Author had some finding through survey on impact of dairy farming on socioeconomic condition of small farmers who lived in Washim District of Maharashtra.



How to Cite
D., K. V., & M, C. S. D. (2014). Impact of Dairy Farming on Socioeconomic Condition of Small Farmers: A Case Study. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 2(5). Retrieved from