Work Motivation among Teachers in Relation to Role Conflict


Manpreet Kaur


Teachers are the central actors in education, facilitators of learning & knowledge. Teacher's love and affection, character, competence and their moral commitment deeply affect the students. For this the teacher's dedication towards work is most important, so he needs to be motivated for his work. Moreover, teachers being members of modern society have to play diverse role to meet their various needs, obligations and expectations. In doing so, they often suffer from stress and conflicts particularly when they have to perform certain roles to meet their incompatible expectations. So, Work motivation is primary requirement for any successful teaching learning process.

Thus, it is an established fact that the teachers performance mainly depends upon their psychological state of mind so role conflict plays a pivotal role in manipulating teachers work. This study reveals that there is a significant relationship between work motivation and role conflict among teachers of schools.


How to Cite
Kaur, M. (2014). Work Motivation among Teachers in Relation to Role Conflict. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 2(5). Retrieved from