Evaluating Strategic Solutions to Cattle Rustling from a Gender Perspective in West Pokot County


Andrew Gitau Kimani


Cattle rustling has become a major concern in discussions about security.The study examined from a gender perspective the strategies that should be adopted to mitigate the effects of cattle rustling in West Pokot County. Given the influence of gender transformation on the cattle rustling practice, the researcher deemed it necessary the measures put in place to curb the problem of cattle rustling to include the gender perspective. The study involved350 respondents stratified selected from adult residents of Pokot community, community elders, opinion leaders, political and administrative leaders, the local youth, women and men as well as local and international NGOs dealing with cattle rustling issues in West. Closed and open-ended questionnaires, key informant guide and field observations, were used for data collection. Results showed that the provision of education facilities, creating public awareness, holding peace meeting, deploying armed police, development of infrastructure, arresting and jailing of raiders and setting up police camps were used to deter cattle rustling. The study concluded that the direct engagement of both genders who were active participants in cattle rustling through the ages would serve as the solution towards the eradication of cattle rustling. The study recommended that introduction of cattle logbook with unique identifiers and chipping all livestock with RFID technology will help to curb cattle theft. Various permanent incentives including fair, unskewed infrastructural development, carried out in a participatory manner was also agreed to be the best way to curb cattle rustling activities. Lastly, the study suggests for more research to provide an updated view of cattle jacking which has become an emerging security in the region.


How to Cite
Kimani, A. G. (2020). Evaluating Strategic Solutions to Cattle Rustling from a Gender Perspective in West Pokot County. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 8(10). https://doi.org/10.24940/theijhss/2020/v8/i10/HS2010-037