A Philosophical Reflection on Gender Inequality and the Status of Women in the 21st Century Nigeria Social Environment


Ofozoba Chinonso Anthony


The twenty-first century Nigeria is burdened with myriads of problems mostly on the issue of gender inequality. Centuries back owing to cultural stereotypes, womanhood for male chauvinists like Aristotle means weaker sex (both in intellect and body) and inferior citizen. As human society progresses, Aristotelian thought penetrate the minds of the societies including, Nigeria and control their way of thinking. Prior to 21st century in Nigeria, it is observed that the status of women is grossly devalued, culturally insignificant and politically unrecognisable because there is the commonality of the general belief system that women are inferior and they belong to the ‘Kitchen'. This trend continues to affect the social representation of women and equally gives a repulsive definition of womanhood starting from the level of the family down to the circular Nigerian society. With the beginning of 21st century in Nigeria, women meticulously and rationally prove that they are also instrumental for positive changes in the social environment. Women have initiated and championed vital programmes and policies in the country. Those who find themselves into politics have displayed exceptional administrative and political dexterities. In the light of the above, this study theoretically examines the status of women in the 21st century Nigeria, giving emphasis for the rationale behind gender equity in the Nigerian social environment and a need to reposition the ancient Aristotelian philosophy of gender inequality. The study therefore suggests that, for a sustainable social environment in Nigeria, gender equity should be the nucleus of every policy.


How to Cite
Anthony, O. C. (2020). A Philosophical Reflection on Gender Inequality and the Status of Women in the 21st Century Nigeria Social Environment. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 8(10). https://doi.org/10.24940/theijhss/2020/v8/i10/HS2010-036