Mirroring the Enthusiasm and Plight of a Neophyte in Philosophy


Rev. Fr. Joseph T. Ekong


Of all the professions one can think of, perhaps, none is as interesting and at the same time as frightening to a beginner of it as philosophy is to a beginner. 'Philosophy' is a word so much used and cherished by many but so often misunderstood because many would like to define it from different points of view. The big questions have always been:

  • What is philosophy?
  • Who is a philosopher?
  • What does it mean to philosophize?

The unanswered questions in philosophy, when will they be answered? These are the kinds of puzzles a beginner in philosophy will likely face. This work is expository, analytic, and critical in its methodology. Its main objective is to present the dual nature of Philosophy as an area of study and to encourage neophytes in the area to be conscious of this since it has implications for an effective understanding of the discipline. In terms of procedure, first, there will be an attempt to define philosophy and discuss its nature, history, and core areas. Secondly, some mistaken claims regarding Philosophy shall be highlighted and clarified. Thirdly, and finally, the various ways in which Philosophy is both fascinating or enticing, and demanding or challenging, shall be discussed and evaluated, with some recommendations on how best to approach the study of philosophy to minimize the epistemic anxieties of upstarts in the field.



How to Cite
Ekong, R. F. J. T. (2022). Mirroring the Enthusiasm and Plight of a Neophyte in Philosophy. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 10(8). https://doi.org/10.24940/theijhss/2022/v10/i8/HS2208-007