Learning Organization in Non-Governmental Organizations: A Brief Literature Review and Recommendations for Practice


Sarin Sok
Huong-Giang Le


Learning organization is considered a pivotal aspect in improving organizational performance, which has become increasingly important for global leaders. This article attempts to review and critique Senge's theory of learning organization, followed by a conclusion and recommendations for practice in non-governmental organizations. The findings indicated that the five disciplines of Senge's theory encourage organizations' leaders to be inspirational, practical, and innovative within the organization. However, it is essential to consider the flaws of Senge's theory, namely the individual interests in the organization and insufficient evidence linking team learning to organizational learning, the existing top-down leadership approach, neglecting cultural differences, and the lack of experience-based value. It is vital for non-governmental organizations to consider these mentioned weaknesses of Senge's theory to ensure the efficiency of implementation.


How to Cite
Sarin Sok, & Huong-Giang Le. (2023). Learning Organization in Non-Governmental Organizations: A Brief Literature Review and Recommendations for Practice. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 11(2). https://doi.org/10.24940/theijhss/2023/v11/i2/HS2302-008 (Original work published February 28, 2023)