Religious Education and Freedom of Education in Ghana: Challenges and Opportunities


Mcjerry Atta Bekoe


There seems to be apparent silence on the discussion of the influence of religion on human and national development due to the intolerance and divisiveness amongst the various religious groupings in Ghana. Contemporary discourse on the right to education and freedom of education finds it confusing whether harmony exists between the two or if one infringes on the other. Ghanaian educational environments suggest that the existence of academic and religious freedom is not present in the actual educational settings. School syllabi, rules, regulations, and pedagogical approaches pose considerable challenges to the quest for freedom of education and religion. Through documentary analysis and the concepts of freedom of education and the right to education, this research examined the challenges and opportunities of religious education in the Ghanaian educational environment. The research suggested that relevant and critical pedagogical approaches should be used to teach religious education to allow religious tolerance and coexistence amongst the various religious bodies within schools and communities.


How to Cite
Mcjerry Atta Bekoe. (2023). Religious Education and Freedom of Education in Ghana: Challenges and Opportunities. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 11(2). (Original work published February 28, 2023)