Integrated Environmental Assessment of COVID-19 Hazardous Waste Management Policy and Strategy in Jakarta’s Quarantine and Self-Isolation Location


Sharyne Sylvani
Dr. Rachmadhi Purwana
Dr. Haryoto Kusnoputranto


The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the dynamics of global waste generation, so it needs special attention. Recently, many studies have been carried out to confirm the transmission of COVID-19 through waste. Waste management is becoming a more severe issue for countries that cannot provide adequate facilities for safety and hygiene practices, such as adequate PPE. Jakarta is one of the provinces with the most severe impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. The number of COVID-19 cases in Jakarta is the highest in Indonesia. In addition to the highest number of cases, the number of COVID-19 hazardous waste generation also occupies the highest position. At the beginning of the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Government issued several policies to regulate the management of COVID-19 hazardous waste. However, several spilt COVID-19 hazardous waste cases were found at several points in Jakarta. This study aims to examine government policies and the interrelationships of the impact of waste management amid a pandemic and describe the management of COVID-19 hazardous waste in an outline to recommend later strategies for handling the generation of COVID-19 hazardous waste. This research is analyzed using SWOT and DPSIR. It is concluded that to effectively manage COVID-19 hazardous waste, policies, infrastructure development, public awareness, education, waste reduction measures, collaboration, monitoring, enforcement, and research and innovation is critical. Raising awareness about government policies regarding COVID-19 waste management is essential to encourage responsible behavior and prevent potential risks associated with improper waste handling.


How to Cite
Sharyne Sylvani, Dr. Rachmadhi Purwana, & Dr. Haryoto Kusnoputranto. (2023). Integrated Environmental Assessment of COVID-19 Hazardous Waste Management Policy and Strategy in Jakarta’s Quarantine and Self-Isolation Location. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 11(5). (Original work published July 7, 2023)