Pretrial Regarding Termination of the Investigation


Berlian Simarmata
Elizabeth Ghozali


An initial investigation is an action that precedes an investigation, so it must be seen as an integral and inseparable part of the investigation. The initial investigation aims to determine whether an event that is suspected of being a criminal act is a criminal act or not. If the results of the initial investigation conclude that the incident that occurred constituted a crime, then an investigation can be followed up to make the crime clearer and clearer. If the initial investigation is stopped, it will automatically stop the investigation, so the termination of the investigation must be considered a termination of the initial investigation and can become the object of pretrial.


How to Cite
Berlian Simarmata, & Elizabeth Ghozali. (2024). Pretrial Regarding Termination of the Investigation. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies. (Original work published December 30, 2023)