Tropical Forest Ecosystem Resources Management as a Strategy for Mitigating Climate Change


Muchineripi Washington Muzari


This paper discusses one of the techniques for mitigating global climate change, namely the management of tropical forest ecosystems. The removal of vegetation and land use changes account for a significant emission level of greenhouse gases. The information is based on research findings from a survey of secondary sources of data. The aim of managing tropical forests efficiently and effectively is, among other things, the curbing or reduction of deforestation and the emission of greenhouse gases from tropical forests. Forest ecosystems, through deforestation, release between 1.1 and 1.7 Gt of carbon per year to the atmosphere. The strategies for controlling or reducing greenhouse gas emissions from tropical forests fall into five main categories. The first category contains activities dealing with conservation and sustainable utilization, such as the establishment and management of protected forests, nature reserves, national parks, ecotourism and bioprospecting. The second category contains activities dealing with forestry and agroforestry, such as afforestation, reforestation, agro-forestry and agricultural intensification. The use of multi-disciplinary and inter-disciplinary approaches to forest management constitutes the third category of forest ecosystem resources management. The final category involves activities or participation at the international level by signing forest conservation treaties, agreements, declarations and protocols on the international arena. Adopting these strategies, techniques and practices can lead to the control and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from tropical forests and agricultural lands into the atmosphere. The end results are the control of, and reductions in greenhouse gas concentrations. This will mitigate the effects of global warming, climate change and the attendant disorders.


How to Cite
Muzari, M. W. (2017). Tropical Forest Ecosystem Resources Management as a Strategy for Mitigating Climate Change. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 5(4). Retrieved from