Evaluation of the Functional and Pasting Properties of Composite FARO 44 rice- Cassava (TMS 8082) Flour Meals


Orieke, Chidi Orieji Mba
Onwuka, Gregory Ikechukwu
Ezembu, Eunice Ngozi


This study was carried out to evaluate the functional, pasting and chemical properties of unsoaked and soaked FARO 44 (Mars) rice flour and its composites with cassava flour. Different flour of FAR0 44 rice and cassava flour were blended in the ratio of 100% (Cassava) sample (control), 100% (Unsoaked Rice) sample, 100% (Soaked Rice) sample, 75:25 (Unsoaked Rice and Cassava) sample, 50:50 (Unsoaked Rice and Cassava) sample, 25:75 (Unsoaked Rice and Cassava) sample, 75:25 (Soaked Rice and Cassava) sample, 50:50 (Soaked Rice and Cassava) sample, 25:75 (Soaked Rice and Cassava) sample. The highest starch yield of 74.49% was obtained by sample 100 Rice flour. The amylose content of the samples ranges from 23.26 to 26.36%. The sugar content of the samples also ranges from 5.25 to 6.96%. The result of the functional properties of the flour blends shows that, the bulk density ranged from 0.87- 2.88%, water absorption capacity 2.47 - 3.93%, oil absorption capacity 2.03 - 3.83%, pH 3.90 - 5.20, swelling index 1.06 -1.29cm3, and solubility 76.07 - 84.91%. In pasting properties, peak viscosity ranged between 128.50 - 243.00RVU, trough, breakdown, final and setback viscosity varied from 87.42 - 162.42 RVU, 41.08 - 99.17 RVU, 160.58 - 280.58 RVU and 59.50 - 118.17 RVU respectively. The good pasting behaviour and functional properties of the samples make FARO 44 rice flour with cassava flour blend, could be used in the production of stiff dough products and other baked products with good palatability and water binding capacities leading to their utilization in food product development.


How to Cite
Mba, O. C. O., Ikechukwu, O. G., & Ngozi, E. E. (2017). Evaluation of the Functional and Pasting Properties of Composite FARO 44 rice- Cassava (TMS 8082) Flour Meals. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 5(4). Retrieved from http://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijst/article/view/123484