Investigation of the in Vitro Effects of Some Oral Contraceptives on Human HBSS Erythrocyte Fragility and Gelation


Ngozi Franca Okoye
Augustine Amadikwa Uwakwe
Edward Obiozor Ayalogu


In this study, the in vitro effect of oral contraceptives namely Microgynon a combined pill (0.15mg levonorgestrel and 0.03mg ethinylestradiol),  Primolut -N a mini pill (5mg norethisterone) and postinor a post coital pill on human HbS erythrocyte fragility and gelationon were investigated. The results from this study showed that the drugs inhibited haemoglobin gelation and microgynon showed the highest inhibition (0.010 vs control 0.050) followed by primolut – N (0.020 vs control0.080) and postinor (0.060 vs control 0.080).  It has been discovered that certain drugs or medications taken for certain ailments are either prosickling or antisickling in nature  The results of this study have revealed that the drugs have antisickling properties and might not pose a risk or threat to HbSS subjects who may have cause to use the drug.


How to Cite
Okoye, N. F., Uwakwe, A. A., & Ayalogu, E. O. (2017). Investigation of the in Vitro Effects of Some Oral Contraceptives on Human HBSS Erythrocyte Fragility and Gelation. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 5(7). Retrieved from