Automatic Visible Data Visible Licensing System Using Electronic Door Using RFID (Radio Frequency Identification), Arduino Mega 2560 and Visual Basic.Net


Anang Widiantoro
Dwi Songgo Panggayudi
Novan Dwi Cipta Fringgani


Library serves as one of the factors that accelerate the acceleration of science transfer. Viewing the function of the library is so important that the library is worthy of attention by the manager to record the visitors more fully and accurately.Manual counting and recording usually ends with inaccurate information, this is because a lot of library visitors are sometimes reluctant or forget in charging the visitor data.This system is an application that records the data of visitors who enter the library area. The workings of this system is to record the identity of visitors, date and time of entry. From the results obtained if the RFID tag is closer to the RFID reader the door opens and the id will show on the computer.The study also reports the development of systems for library visitors using electronic doors. This device connects to the computer used to validate. Identification of student / computer visitors can open / close and the door automatically identifies the library visitor. 


How to Cite
Widiantoro, A., Panggayudi, D. S., & Fringgani, N. D. C. (2017). Automatic Visible Data Visible Licensing System Using Electronic Door Using RFID (Radio Frequency Identification), Arduino Mega 2560 and Visual Basic.Net. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 5(9). Retrieved from