Detection of Malicious Accounts on Social Media and Other G-Mail Accounts


Nisha Baste
Tanvi Chaudhari
Rohini Kothavade
Shital Jadhav


Internet is most attractive source for sharing information but security is major issue as far as internet is concern. A majority of the individual users primarily utilize social media and email accounts to stay in touch with their friends and to get information from people or organizations. Most of the people face the problem of getting malicious information such as URLs, emails, posts through adult account on social media. Now a day's Facebook provide facility of spam mail but in case, if user click on it, ultimately users account information sends to the attacker. In existing system an iterative social based classifier (ISC) is used to detect malicious contents on the social media. But the Gmail users also face the problem of getting URLs, posts, mails from adult account. So, in the proposed approach to address this problem ISC is extend to detect and block the adult account on Gmail and to enhance privacy and security on social media and e-mail accounts. 


How to Cite
Baste, N., Chaudhari, T., Kothavade, R., & Jadhav, S. (2016). Detection of Malicious Accounts on Social Media and Other G-Mail Accounts. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 4(1). Retrieved from