Influence of Spatial Arrangement on Agronomic Performance of Maize (Zea Mays L.) - Groundnut (Arachis Hypogea) Intercropping


Mustapha Mas-ud
Gumah Salifu
Abiwu Napoleon


A field study was conducted to evaluate the most appropriate spatial arrangement of intercropping the legume into the cereal using two crops namely maize and groundnut. The groundnut was intercropped in to the maize in two different arrangement at the university of Ghana farm during the major season of 2010.The spatial arrangement were : one row of groundnut after one row of maize (1:1) and two row of groundnut after one row of maize (1:2).Non-intercropped plots served as control. A randomised complete block design was used and replicated four times. Plant growth was evaluated every two weeks by measuring the dry weight of biomass. Other data collected were: Plant height, growth rate, day to tassel, days to flower, chlorophyll content, land equivalent ratios, Leaf area index, yield and yield components. The present study revealed that in terms of the spatial arrangement, the grain yield of groundnut from double row (1:2) performed better than the single row of groundnut (1:1) because of crop complementarities however with regard dry matter accumulation, the 1:2 spatial arrangement for the groundnut produced less than the 1:1, however sole maize performed better than both spacing. In the case of the maize, sole maize produced highest grain yield, dry matter accumulation, leaf area index, height at maturity and harvest index. Land equivalent ratios (LER),the LER values for the intercrops were more than 1.0.This value implies that the intercrops had yield advantage over the sole crops. The intercropping of the groundnut 1:2 spatial arrangement gave the highest LER of 3.39 and for the 1:1 spatial arrangement gave 1.48. The results therefore suggest that in groundnut-maize intercropping system both 1:2 spactial arrangement is best however this will depend largely on crop interested in by the farmer.


How to Cite
Mas-ud, M., Salifu, G., & Napoleon, A. (2016). Influence of Spatial Arrangement on Agronomic Performance of Maize (Zea Mays L.) - Groundnut (Arachis Hypogea) Intercropping. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 4(1). Retrieved from