A Review Study of Use of Oxy Hydrogen Gas in Four Stroke S.I. Engine


Mohammad Usmani Affan Affan


In order to reduce carbon emission performance and conservation of petroleum fuel there is required an alternative fuel. In many alternatives HHO is one of the best option. HHO can be produced by the simple electrolysis process of different electrolytes like KOH, NaCl, NaOH with various electrodes designs in leak proof HHO generator

It is very economical and easily available it cannot store. But its

 production does not take much time and as compare to other resources like electric car solar car, it is very reliable source of fuel. Another advantage of HHO is very diffusible gas so in case of leakage it will diffuse in air. It can be reducing carbon emission and helping to reduce hazards of global warming


How to Cite
Affan, M. U. A. (2016). A Review Study of Use of Oxy Hydrogen Gas in Four Stroke S.I. Engine. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 4(3). Retrieved from http://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijst/article/view/123778