Secret Phone


Snehaa C.
Sowmiya Nancy J.
Thanga Priyanka T.
Gayathri T. p


Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) carries telephone calls over LANs and the internet with IP, there is no wasted capacity as this is with circuit Switching. This reduces cost. An android app which can be downloaded in smart phones for making free and secured calls. This Application is mainly based on VOIP, SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) and PTPP (Peer-to-Peer Protocol). An app does not inquire any special charges except internet charges for making calls (if WI-FI, then call is free).

 In this project the server is required only for establishing the call. Once the call is connected and user start their communication the server is disconnected automatically. Thus the main advantage of this app is that the data of the calls are not stored in the server, hence the call is very secure. This application is built on android platform using Asterisk server as the backend. The Asterisk Server is an open source and it runs on Linux platform.



How to Cite
C., S., J., S. N., T., T. P., & p, G. T. (2016). Secret Phone. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 4(4). Retrieved from