Classification of Some Selected Lakes on the Basis of Water Quality Criteria: Most Probable Number


R. K. Thakur
R. Jindal
Phulan Rani


Water is well known vehicle for transmission of water borne diseases.  Water polluted with fecal matter or sewage is likely to contain many intestinal pathogens and may transmit diseases like giardiasis, amoeba is, hepatitis, typhoid, cholera, dysentery etc. to susceptible consumers.  Natural water may also be contaminated with microbes, with soil, vegetation and other sources.  Bacteriological quality of water evaluation is based on total microbial content coliform count (MPN) and presence of fecal streptococci.  Detection of fecal E.coli and indicator of water fecal contamination is considered to be the best method of the judge the portability of drinking water.  The presence of typical intestinal organism in water serve as an index of fecal contamination. According to the present study, the MPN count of three water bodies, Rewalsar, Kuntbhyog and Prashar lake was observed respectively. Rewalsar lake showed high MPN number of coliformsas compared to Kuntbhyog and Prashar lake. This is due to entry of sewage in Rewalsar lake. The Escherichia coli are entirely of human origin bit their exclusive estimation is difficult and hence the entire coliforms are used as indicator. In routine tests of potable waters, the actual number of coliforms is not reported but their Most Probable Number (Commonly called as MPN of coliforms) is enumerated. The water of these lakes are very important for religious basis, domestic basis, drinking and irrigation basis. So the collection of scientific data on these lakes are very important for conservation and sustainable development.


How to Cite
Thakur, R. K., Jindal, R., & Rani, P. (2016). Classification of Some Selected Lakes on the Basis of Water Quality Criteria: Most Probable Number. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 4(4). Retrieved from