Infant Hazard Activity Recognition Using RFID Technology and Tracking System Using GSM and GPS Technology


G. Md. Gouse
Ashok Raj Shetty
Deepa Kalmath
Ganashree N. S.
Muddhasira Darwesh


This paper presents a child activity recognition and tracking system using RFID technology and GPS and GMS to prevent child accidents such as unintentional injuries at home and missing cases. It is an Android based solution to aid parents to track their children in real time. Nowadays, most mobile phones are equipped with location services capabilities allowing us to get the device's geographic position in real time. It allows the parent to get their child's location on a real time map. The system consists of two sides, child side and parent side. The application works with the help of android mobile. The android application based on GPS and SMS services in Android mobile.


How to Cite
Gouse, G. M., Shetty, A. R., Kalmath, D., S., G. N., & Darwesh, M. (2016). Infant Hazard Activity Recognition Using RFID Technology and Tracking System Using GSM and GPS Technology. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 4(5). Retrieved from