Satellite and RF Enabled Assistance for Marine Navigation


Lohith K. C.
Pramodini S. K.
Priyanka S.
Rashmi S. T.
Pushpa Y.


Fishing is one of the main occupation in coastline areas. When fishermen go into the sea for fishing, they cannot distinguish between our country and other country boundary. Hence they cross the boundary and get arrested. This is the main situation existing till date. This paper mainly aims at the safety of fishermen. This system consists of 3 units, boundary unit, ship unit and base station. An android mobile is considered as the base station. Each fisherman is given a RFID tag. Using RFID technology, data about the fishermen entering the sea is send to the base station. The boundary unit keeps on transmitting signals. When the ship reaches the boundary, alert is given to the ship. Any changes in weather condition are noted and a voice alert is given in the ship unit. The fishermen can get help from the base station anytime when they are in danger. If any intruders try to cross the boundary, information reaches both ship and the base station. Audio and visual alerts are given to the fishermen. GPS system and android are used for the communication between the fishermen and base station. Code is developed using embedded C in renesas software. Cube suite is used to dump the code on to the kit.


How to Cite
C., L. K., K., P. S., S., P., T., R. S., & Y., P. (2016). Satellite and RF Enabled Assistance for Marine Navigation. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 4(5). Retrieved from