Smart-Card Cognition


Abhijeet R. Pathak
Abhishek R. Pathak


A smart card is a safe and portable device which is employed for several functions, especially security associated ones involving situations such as access to the database of the system, either in an online or offline basis. For the brightness of Smart Card's future, it is imperative to look at a number of aspects and factors that consequence due to the fast advancement in communication technology and information. This paper evaluates the modern trends in the technology of smart cards and brings out probable events to occur in the future. Furthermore, the paper addresses different features in order to discover the core ideas that are of attention to smart card researchers and developers. More emphasis is offered for four key features of smart cards: Memory management, portability, open platform and security, as they are considered to be in the center of numerous smart card applications.


How to Cite
Pathak, A. R., & Pathak, A. R. (2016). Smart-Card Cognition. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 4(6). Retrieved from