Electrochemical Polymerization of ANALINE in GLASSY Carbon and Stainless Steel Working Electrodes through CYCLIC VOLTAMETRY


K. Kalyan Babu


Biosensors are versatile devices in detection of diseases. The biosensor  which I used in my research is electrochemical type. it is divided into Amperometric biosensor, conductometric biosensor, potentiometric biosensor. The output of amperometric biosensor is current in the order of milliamperes. Where as the output of potentiometric biosensor is voltage in mv.My research is to detect cancer at early stage through cyclic voltammetry. In this method, electrochemical polymerization of analine(PANI)  plays a key role in detection of cancer. This is performed in vitro domain ie at CSIR-CECRI Lab in KARAIKUDDI, Tamil Nadu.


How to Cite
Babu, K. K. (2016). Electrochemical Polymerization of ANALINE in GLASSY Carbon and Stainless Steel Working Electrodes through CYCLIC VOLTAMETRY. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 4(6). Retrieved from http://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijst/article/view/123901