Mathematical Modelling of Fungal Growth in Biodegraded Building Materials


Garima Arya
Jugmendra Singh


A mathematical model for apical growth, septation, and branching of mycelial microorganisms is presented. The model consists of two parts: the deterministic part of the model is based on fundamental cellular and physical mechanisms; it represents the kinetics for growth of hyphal tips and septation of apical as well as intercalary compartments. In regard to random occurrences of hyphal growth and branching, the stochastic part deals with branching processes, tip growth directions, and outgrowth orientations of branches. The model can explain the morphological development of mycelia up to the formation of pellets. The results, as predicted by the model, correspond very closely to those observed in experiments.


How to Cite
Arya, G., & Singh, J. (2016). Mathematical Modelling of Fungal Growth in Biodegraded Building Materials. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 4(6). Retrieved from