Crowning the Native Look: An Exhibition of Groom Wears with a Zimbabwean Native Look


Immaculate Dumo Kwashira
Edlight Mutungwe


The research sought to design, construct and exhibit a collection of groom wear emphasising native look based on objects used for hunting, war and animal as food sources. The major objective in presenting the exhibition was to conscientize the present generation of the culture, tools and events of the past. Ethnographic methods were used as the aim of the research is to give cultural interpretations through groom wear. Participant observations and interviews were used to assess the level of acceptance or appreciation of designs of groom wear with a native look and coming up with suggestions for improvement. Findings revealed that groom wear with a native look is highly accepted and youths appreciated the intergenerational transfer of culture and traditions. It was recommended that designs depicting culture be incorporated on clothes to be worn for special occasions such as weddings for both males and females as a way of preserving culture. Further research is required on the incorporation of cultural objects or elements on bridal wear to give a cultural look and work to produce graduation gowns that blend cultural and modern features especially for youths.


How to Cite
Kwashira, I. D., & Mutungwe, E. (2016). Crowning the Native Look: An Exhibition of Groom Wears with a Zimbabwean Native Look. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 4(7). Retrieved from