Cumulative Mining of Profitable Item Sets


Neetika Verma
Muralidhar A.


Association-rule mining is used to mine the relationships among the existing items in transactional database. Sometimes transactions got deleted from database then we also have to maintain those transactions so that we can find the higher profitable item sets. In this paper we are considering the Incremental database that is Dynamic database in nature. Incremental database is database that we built in backing for running the data that continually increasing with in time. Incremental database efficiently stores a time series of data typically by having some fixed timescale. In this paper, we are trying to increase the efficiency of the previous methods of finding the high profitable items. Earlier we have to rescan the database many more times for finding the high profitable item which is not an efficient approach because as data is increasing the time taken to rescan the database is also more so to overcome this we can use distributed cache.



How to Cite
Verma, N., & A., M. (2016). Cumulative Mining of Profitable Item Sets. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 4(7). Retrieved from