Digital Portrait Painting in Geometric Shapes


Osafo Agyemang
Dickson Adom
Akwasi Yeboah


This paper demonstrates three techniques of simplified digital portrait painting using geometric shapes. These techniques have been expressed through the use of manual drawing skills and computer software. Why should the artist/painter eliminate or cover all the marks they make when it comes to portrait painting as if it does not belong to the artwork? Over the years, in the field of painting, works have been produced based on the materials and tools available at that time. Many amateur and professional artists in Ghana do not use the digital technology to paint because of the difficulty in using the mouse to draw and paint. The focus of the researchers is to give artists that used the digital technology in painting more stylistic options in the execution of their works to add to the already existing techniques in digital painting. The researchers adopted qualitative research design for the study. Descriptive research method was used in writing the various steps involved in the execution of the project works. Interviews and observations were the main tools employed in gathering data for the project. This research ultimately aimed at inspiring and motivating more artists in the usage of the digital painting technology in their paintings.



How to Cite
Agyemang, O., Adom, D., & Yeboah, A. (2016). Digital Portrait Painting in Geometric Shapes. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 4(10). Retrieved from