Review of Different Security Assessment Models Using in Cloud Environment


Jasdeep singh
Manoj Kumar


Cloud computing is providing us a suitable choice of computing and storage of the resources mainly for the BUSINESS in which user "pay per usage”. But most of the organizations are not using the cloud computing due to the lack of the trust on the service provider. In this time data breaches in cloud services are also increasing year-by-year by the hackers which are trying to compromise the security of the cloud. In this paper we have performed a depth analysis of cloud trust models for the existing functional and non-functional aspects to accurately evaluate the trust of cloud provider and the theory of assessment of the security level of insider threats. Firstly, we describe the modeling methodology which captures several aspects of insider threats and show threat assessment methodology to reveal the possible attack strategies of an insider.


How to Cite
singh, J., & Kumar, M. (2016). Review of Different Security Assessment Models Using in Cloud Environment. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 4(10). Retrieved from